Wednesday, 25 March 2009


I have been contemplating Tuesdays...

First it is hectic until she goes out to work very early and...

...then the younger he goes off to school....

...and then he takes me for a shorter walk than I deserve before he goes off to work.

Sometimes younger she will take me out, but generally I do not have anyone to converse with.

Tuesdays are not good


  1. That's what the internet's for!

  2. Yes but as with the other box attached to the wall where I can see food and animals I cannot get to them and they do not smell as they should. ...And when it is left on and I talk to it I don't get any FOOD...and the fast food delivery leaflets don't work either...

    And I would need a bigger keyboard and mousepad, unless you can give me a bark activated system

  3. such a sad life for a dog (leather couch, tsk ha ha)

  4. I'm glad you appreciate that I have a sad life Pamela - I did not like to mention it there but I have not had any food for at least a week or more... probably much more...
